Tuesday, June 19, 2012

I Am So Sick Of citizen Over - Reacting I Could Kill Somebody !!!

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Rehab Center! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

I am so sick of population over-reacting I could kill somebody! Not really, but it does make a point of sorts, or hopefully it will before I'm finished.

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How is I Am So Sick Of citizen Over - Reacting I Could Kill Somebody !!!

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Rehab Center.

Fyi, I had my gall bladder removed last week. I was a exiguous involved that my level of unmitigated gall might be adversely affected by the procedure, but after setting around these last few days recuperating, and watching all the craziness on the 'news', I am looking I still have my full quota, and that's a lot of gall!

Where to start? Isaiah Washington got upset with a fellow actor on Grey's Anatomy, called him a "F----t", then apologized, saying he was checking himself into rehab, and the whole left wing press said, "How nice"! Okay, doesn't mean a thing to me. I don't even watch Grey's Anatomy. And, we went through this same idiocy with Mel Gibson and Michael Richards, although the press was not nearly as kind to Mel as they were to 'their guys'. Which brings me to Ann Coulter.

Ann Coulter recently gave a speech and used the same dreaded "F" word as an sure joke about John Edwards and his ill-fated presidential campaign. Please note that I said 'obvious' joke, not necessarily to be construed as nothing else but funny by all people. Lo and behold, the left wing media has hung her out to dry! They only show the part of her speech that refers to the alleged Edwards slur, deliberately omitting the rest, which was nothing else but a whole series of one or two liners on discrete political subjects, all meant to be humorous in her own way. As Dennis Miller so aptly pointed out, she should have used the word 'maggot' instead. It rhymes, and is probably a lot more accurate.

Can Ms. Coulter be caustic? You betcha! It is what she does, and she does it very well. It is how she earns her living. Bill Maher can call George W. Bush an idiot and that is just hunky-dory with the press. He receives no flack. Ann, of course, gets vilified. It seems their idea of humor, and their agenda, do not allow for fairness to both sides of the political spectrum. Hmmm (in case you never noticed).

In my most humble opinion, the biggest problem the left wingers have with Ann Coulter is, quite simply, she scares the living be-geebies out of them. She speaks, they panic. She is an incredibly fantastic woman, well based in her beliefs and her facts, and very sound to boot. As is par for the course, they can only strike her on a personal level because they have no message of legitimate rebuttal, nor do they have anything in their camp with adequate intellectual savvy to go head to head with her in serious debate. I say this because, if such a someone existed, they would have nothing else but trotted him/her out by now, and they haven't. In short, they hate her for what she is more than for what she says, but none of them would ever admit it whether to themselves, or to the surface world.

Scooter Libby was found guilty of committing perjury to a federal grand jury. In some circles that would qualify him to be President of the United States, but he is obviously in the wrong circle. It will be consuming to see what his sentence will be. In the event he is sentenced to actual prison time, George W's final act before leaving office should be his full and perfect pardon. Hopefully, it won't come to that. I have yet to be convinced there was nothing else but a crime committed in the first place.

Sandy Berger, on the other hand, was nothing else but (in real life, even) caught stealing classified documents from the National Archives to cover his old boss' tail (as memory serves me, who was also convicted of perjury, but that seems to be different). An actual crime, by golly, and he virtually drew a pass. In shorts, er, I mean in short, a small fine, a slap on the wrist, some society service. Thank you very much, have a nice day. Y'all come back now, ya heah!

I nothing else but hope this all comes to light when they sentence ol' Scooter.

+ + +

File this under 'almost un-important tid-bits'. Don Imus was interviewing Frank Rich of the New York Times the other morning. In case you don't know him, Rich leans so far to the left he only has to buy a shoe for his right foot every third pair.

The topic was Rudy Guilliani's estrangement with his 21 year old son, and the impact it might have on his bid for the Presidency. When asked if he belief this might destroy Rudy's campaign, Frank Rich said this: "I don't nothing else but know, but I do know everybody in my company hopes he'll run" (he believes any of the top left wing candidates can beat Guilliani). This exiguous statement is important only that he also will tell you there is no left wing bias in the media. Take your pick.

+ + +

Thank God the weasels have ultimately let Anna Nicole Smith go to her grave. May she rest in peace. Does anything out there nothing else but care who the father of her child is, or am I totally over-estimating the mentality of the American people?

Just for the record, I am Not the father of her child. On a serious note, this young child nothing else but needs our constant prayers.

I forced myself to watch the news with regard to the mess at Walter Reed Hospital. To say I was appalled would be a gross understatement. I know this is not a new problem, but that makes it even worse than it appears to be. We have been through how many administrations since the Korean conflict. The problem existed back then.

This is not about whether we are Republican or Democrat. This is not about who should be fired or who should stay. This is about doing what is right for our wounded soldiers. This is about ultimately stepping up to the line and saying once and for all, "This is just so wrong"!

This is about fixing what needs to be fixed without bogging down in usual government bureaucracy. In other words, Do It Now! We owe it to our young men and women who put it on the line for us every day to do anything it takes, no matter what it costs, to contribute them with anything they need for total and perfect rehabilitation, not only at Walter Reed curative Center, but at every Veteran management installation in the world!

This must not be a partisan issue. They never seem to get resolved. Let's tell our government, "Okay, anything it takes. Let's get it done. Now"!

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