Thursday, May 24, 2012

How to Attract Love - Secrets of the Law of Attraction

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Rehab Center! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

The Law of Cause and corollary also known as the law of Karma states that every thought, every reliance and every action has an equal reaction or effect. Karma is the corollary of our own past actions and our own present doings. Hence, we are the corollary of what we were and will be the corollary of what we are. In other words, we ourselves are responsible for our own happiness and misery. We originate our own Heaven or our own Hell. Naturally put, we are the writers of our own scripts. Your present thinking and bodily states are, for the most part, due to your own negative or inescapable energies and actions, both past and present. As an example, Tina's father left at a tender young age, causing her to live with a fear of abandonment. In her adult life, Tina meets Sam, who seems to be the man of her dreams. However, looming under the outside is a preordained future event that was unintentionally ordered by Tina. Five years pass, and all appears well, until Tina discovers a dear Jane letter on the kitchen table! Yes, Sam abandoned her! This is unintentional, negative Karma at work. And precise me if I'm wrong, but it's the very same Karma responsible for sabotaging your relationship! But, don't worry because there is some good news here. Karma can be altered! However, that change is dependent upon two inescapable factors; Divine Will and Free Will.

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How is How to Attract Love - Secrets of the Law of Attraction

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Rehab Center.

Divine will and free will are entwined in a harmonious existence. One does not exist without the other. Although, some mainstream pundits speak that our entire existence is preordained through divine will yet others speak that free will rains supreme. Well, in reality, it's a bit of both, actually! If the present life is solely conditioned or fully controlled by our past actions without free will as a component, then Karma is tantamount to predestination. If this were true, life would be purely mechanistic, not much separate from a machine. Being created by God who controls our destinies and predetermines our future, our lives would be pointless exercises in futility. I can personally debunk the divine will supremacy hypothesis because I have witnessed both forms of will in my life, and I've taught hundreds of population to explore the same. But don't get me wrong, divine will does exist! And without question, there are inescapable preordained events and lessons that one must face. The request is; how will you face them? Will you fall back on the old patterns and deeds as the essence of your existence or invoke free will to alter the course of destiny?

Free will is the greatest gift we possess, although we often impose it on ourselves. Only when we free ourselves of the fears, insecurities, and emotional baggage can we harness the true power of that gift! everybody has a choice, and the choices you make will either change your Karma or will perpetuate it. If it's the later, be ready for more pain and suffering to come your way. "Ignorance is only blissful until the issue that you've ignored jumps up from the sidewalk and bites you squarely in the Derriere" Divine lessons do not vaporize and disappear into thin air by ignoring them. On the contrary, they get louder and louder! That is why my law are centered on personal transformation. Lowest line, your life's not going to change, and nor will you attract love and plenty until you relinquish your fears and learn those divine lessons.

But here's the real kicker; love is like a magnet! That's right! The more you try to capture, chase, take or grab it to fill a void in your life, the more you push it away and/or it eludes you. On the other hand, become love and adopt a new mindset that supports giving your love to others unconditionally and love will corollary you! Now, in all honesty, it does take a commitment to personal change and evolution to achieve this task. But, if you're willing, the results will in fact blow you away!

Until next time, good luck and great love!

Warmest Regards,

David Roppo
The relationship Rehab Coach

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